What is a blog?
A blog is just another form of web site, but a blog has many advantages over a web page which will be discussed in this article.
There are 2 popular blog site available on the Internet, they are blogger.com and wordpress.org.
WordPress blog offered by wordpress.org are preferred by many blog owners due to it’s flexibility in blog creation and the many functionality that it offers
The 7 Reasons
If you are looking for reasons to start a WordPress blog, here are 7 reasons to do so:
1. Ease of setting up
2. Ease of maintainance
3. Ease of customization
4. High interactivity
5. SEO friendly
6. Great support
7. Best of all…. it’s FREE !
1. Ease of setting up
Creating a basic blog and updating it’s contents DOES NOT REQUIRE HTML (web programming language) knowledge, thus making it easier for laymen to own a blog site, all one need is just a computer with internet browser and a connection to the internet.
2. Ease of maintenance
Changing the look and feel of the entire blog site such as the font type, colour and size, web page back ground, header graphics can be done with minimum efforts with different themes which are available for free.
3. Ease of customization
Additional features and functionality of a blog can be added and customized by adding additional components known as ‘plug-in’ which are also available for free.
Say for example you want to include a multi language translation button on your blog site, all you need to do is to look for the right plug-in for the feature, install it on your blog and activate it, then the entire blog site of yours will have such language translation button added where user can just click on their desired language and the whole blog page will be translated into that particular language instantly.
As there are various plug-ins available for different features, a blog can be customized exactly to the need and requirement of every individual blog owner.
4. High interactivity
For each of the different content known as blog post, visitor can submit their feed back and have it displayed on the blog, this makes a blog becomes highly interactive with the visitors.
This also helps in updating content on a blog, with fresh content being updated regularly and dynamically, it encourages the search engine such as Google to rank a blog site high in their search engine result page, this in turn will attract more visitor to visit a blog site.
5. SEO friendly
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technique used for making your website/blog ranked high in search engine such as Google, thus bringing in visitors to the website/blog for free. For a normal website, it can be chellenging task for non-technical people to perform SEO, but in WordPress blog, this can be done with ease with the user friendly admin interface.
6. Great support
WordPress is as open source platform, which means it allows any software developer to add in additional functionality to the system, making it super dynamic and kept being improved in feature and performance.
7. Best of all…. its FREE
Being an open source platform also means you get all the above mentioned benefits for free. It’s like having thousands and thousands of software development team putting their time and energy improving the system for you, without having to folk out a single penny from your pocket 😉
Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are some of the most frequent asked questions about WordPress blog:
Q: Is WordPress used to create blogs or websites?
A: Both! Blogs are created by posting content using the posts feature in WordPress, websites are created by using the pages feature.
Q: What do I need to run my own WordPress website/blog?
A: WordPress comes in 2 flavors. One version is hosted for you, but you do not have owership and full control over the website. The other version is where you install and own your own copy of WordPress on your own hosting provider. To own and run your own copy of WordPress, you need to have a domain setup with cpanel hosting.
Q: How easy is WordPress to learn?
A: WordPress can be picked up by reading the help documents at http://www.wordpress.org, and the many tutorials available around the web. (If you are looking for a proven way to fast-track your success with WordPress, take a look at the next WIA work planned – on How To Install A SEO Optimized WordPress Blog/Website