Winning Results With SEO

2. Winning Results With Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Learn how to search engine optimize (SEO) your website to reach more customers, increase sales and establish performance-based marketing in your organization.
Why is search marketing so important? Which engines do we need to be visible in? Introducing SEO ranking factors. Understanding index coverage, on-page and off-page optimization and conversion efficiency.
Gain a comprehensive overview of SEO and learn a simple 6-Step approach for SEO success:

  1. FIND Keyphrases – Find quality keyphrases to use in your website
  2. PRIORITIZE Keyphrases – Prioritize keyphrases for deployment
  3. OPTIMIZE website – Search engine optimize (SEO) webpages for targeted keyphrases
  4. IDENTIFY Quality Back-Links
  5. BUILD Network of Quality Back-Links
  6. CHECK KEYPHRASE RANKINGs Over Time and Repeat

How to leverage on free software and automation for researching, gathering, analyzing and reporting on SEO data to produce SEO reports with actionable recommendations.In addition we will cover how SEO can be integrated into an overall Search Marketing strategy utilizing multiple channels including press releases, social marketing, paid search and viral marketing.

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is the process of improving the quantity and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via organic (or “natural”) search results. Executing Search Engine
Optimization well will make it easy for search engines to find and index your webpage and boost your position in the organic (free) search rankings.

  • Are the rankings factors the same for Google,Yahoo and Bing?
  • What keyphrases should I target?
  • What is the most important element in a SEO project? • How optimized is my current website?
  • Is there guaranteed ranking?
  • What is the difference between organic and paid search?
  • How do I measure SEO success? • What are the latest trends in SEO?
  • How can I automate checking and reporting for every page in my website?

Why Attend?

  • Learn A Proven SEO Methodology To Obtain Top Rankings For Your Company
  • Discover The Free Tools Used By SEO Industry Professionals To Achieve SEO Success
  • Be The In-House Online Marketing Expert In Your Company
  • Learn How To Depend Less On Vendors, Or Manage Them Much Better
  • See Successful Case Studies Of Businesses Just LikeYours
  • Get A Powerful But Easy User Guide For Future Reference

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