How To Use Google AdWords To Promote Your Website

  • Key Concepts for Google AdWords

    • Keywords:
      Keywords are the word or words entered by users into the search engine’s search box. Also known as search terms, keywords are used by Search Engine Marketers for Paid & Organic Search Engine Optimization
    • Impressions
      the number of impressions is the number of times an ad is displayed on Google or on sites or products in the Google Network.
    • Clicks
      Clicks (sometimes called clickthroughs) refer to the number of times a user clicks on your displayed ad.
    • CTR – Clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown (impressions).
    • Daily Budget

      • This is the amount you’re willing to spend on a specific AdWords campaign each day.
  • Search/content network placement

    • Ads can be displayed on Google’s search results or on the content of partner websites via Google’s contextual search matching technology

  • Max/Average CPC

    • The average amount you pay each time someone clicks your ad. Average CPC is determined by totaling the cost of all clicks and dividing it by the number of clicks.
    • Here’s an example: if your ad receives two clicks, one costing $0.10 and one costing $0.20, your average CPC for those clicks is $0.15.
    • Your maximum cost-per-click (CPC) is the highest amount that you are willing to pay for a click on your ad. You can set a maximum CPC at the keyword- or ad group-level. The AdWords Discounter automatically reduces this amount so that the actual CPC you are charged is just one cent more than the minimum necessary to keep your position on the page.
  • Average Ad Position

    • This is the estimated rank of your ad on the page. 1.0 is the highest possible position. (Because these positions are averages, you may see fractional numbers like 1.2 or 7.4.)
  • Broad Match – This is the default option. If you include general keyword or keyword phrases-such as "digital cameras"-in your keyword list, your ads will appear when a user’s query contains "digital" and "cameras", in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads will also automatically show for expanded matches, including plurals and relevant variations.

  • Phrase Match – If you enter your keyword in quotation marks, as in "digital cameras," your ad will appear when a user searches on the phrase "digital cameras", in this order, and possibly with other terms in the query. For example, your ad will appear for the query "canon digital cameras" but not for "cameras digital".

  • Exact Match – If you surround your keywords in brackets-such as [digital cameras]-your ads will appear when users search for the specific phrase "digital cameras", in this order, and without any other terms in the query. For example, your ad won’t show for the query "canon digital cameras".

  • Negative Keywords – You can prevent entire campaigns from showing on a certain query by applying negative keywords to them. (Negative keywords contain a ‘-‘ in front of the keyword.) For example, the negative keyword -free tells the AdWords system not to show your ad for any search containing the term ‘free’ (e.g. free digital cameras). By filtering out unwanted impressions, negative keywords can help you reach the most appropriate prospects, reduce your cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI.

  • The CORRECT Way To Set-Up A Google AdWords Campaign

    • Step-By-Step Walk-Through
    • Campaign Settings
    • Keyword Research
    • Keyword Matching
    • Ad Copy
    • Split-Testing




Creating A Keyword-Targeted Google AdWords Campaign



Which Google Network(s) To Display Your Ads:
Google Search Engine, etc.
Google Search Network
Reaches 80% of 30-Day US Internet Users
Froggle, GoogleGroups, AOL, Netscape,,,, Compuserve, AT&T
Google Content Network (AdSense Publishing)
Applies only to English language ads targeted to ‘US,’ ‘Canada,’ or ‘All Regions.’,, Lycos,, etc


Google AdWords Campaign – Checklist
Google AdWords Campaign Components:
Basic Settings
Campaign Name – e.g. Amazon USA – No Content
Will Run Until – No end date
Budget Options
Budget – USD50/day initially
Delivery Method – Standard
Advanced Options
Position Preference – Enable
Ad Serving – Rotate
Select ONLY Google search
Target Audience
Languages – English
All Countries and Territories
Setting The Maximum Cost Per Click
Here are two ways you can set the Max CPC for your campaign/keywords:
Based on Cost Per Sale or Cost Per Lead
Step #1 – Determine profit per sale or cost per lead e.g. $50
Step #2 – Determine visitor per conversion e.g. 100 visitors/sale
Step #3 – Calculate Max CPC = $50/100 = $0.50
Based on Average Ad Position
Set an initial Max CPC for the campaign and run the campaign ‘live’
Monitor the average ad positions for each keyword
Adjust the Max CPC of keywords to increase or decrease the average ad position
3 Steps To Keyword Research for PPC Marketing Success
Step 1 – Develop Initial Keyword List
Brainstorm a list of keywords or request an initial list from your client
Explore keyword ideas from:
Industry Experts
Product Brochure
Industry publications, magazines
Perform Competition and Keyword Research
Use the following keyword tools:
TheDowser Keyword Harvester
TheDowser for Google Suggest
Use TheDowser Keyword Harvester And TheDowser GoogleSuggest To Brainstorm Keyword Ideas
TheDowser Keyword Harvester
How It Works:
TheDowser Keyword Harvester allows you to harvest keywords from Meta Keyword Tags, HTML tags (e.g. Title Tag, H1 to H5 and Alt Tags) and Website Content of Top 10 search results in Google!
Simply enter a single keyword or keyword phrase into the software to begin
Tap into the research efforts of your best competitors!
TheDowser for Google Suggest
How It Works:
TheDowser for Google you to utilize Google’s excellent Google Suggest functionality right from your desktop – to enable you to quickly and easily discover more keywords for your niche or subject area.
Simply enter a keyword to begin. The software will automatically suggest more specific search terms.
Step 2 – Expand Keyword List
Before you expand your keyword list, first group the initial keywords into tightly themed ‘clusters’
Keywords in each theme ‘cluster’ will be grouped into a single Ad Group later
Next, expand your initial keyword list, cluster by cluster using keyword tools:
Overture Keyword Tool
Google AdWords Keyword Tool
Keyword Discovery
Goal of expanding your keyword list is to generate more related and specific keywords, common variations, misspellings, modifiers etc.
Add ‘Buying’ Keyword Modifiers (where applicable)
Brand name
Model number
Research more specific keywords (contains root word)
digital photography – digital photography tips

Research related keywords (synonyms)
digital photography – digital SLR, digital photo

Add Keyword Variations
Singular vs. Plural (photo vs. photos)
Mis-spellings (photography vs. photogarphy)
Split vs. Merged (photography vs. photo graphy)
Hyphens (photo-graphy)
Apostrophes (photos vs. photos’)
Domain names (
Abbreviation (single lens reflex vs. SLR)
US vs. UK (digital optimization optimisation)
Country/City (Singapore, New York)
Retail and Brand Name Modifiers














Source: Yahoo Search Marketing – Tips To Increase Your Traffic


Using TheDowser Misspelling Generator To Generate Misspellings















Using The “Manual Method” To Generate Misspellings

3 Steps To Manually Generating Mis-spelt Keywords
Step #1
Open up notepad or any word processor
Step #2
Type the keyword rapidly at least 10 times (try doing this without looking at the keyboard!)
Step #3
Congratulations! You have now generated “human” mis-spelt keywords!
Step 3 – Apply Keyword Matching
Understanding AdWord Match Types
Google AdWords offers 3 Keyword Match Options
Broad Match
Dog training, dog house training, dog training equipment, guard dog training
Phrase Match (keyword in quotes – “dog training”)
Dog training, dog training equipment, guard dog training
Exact Match (keyword in brackets – [dog training])
Dog training
Understanding Negative Match Type
Definition: ANY non-relevant search term containing the keyword
Negative matching prevents your ad from showing for non-targeted keywords
Use of negative matching is the KEY to reducing ad impression
Ad Impression Reduction = CTR Improvement
Negative match keyword examples:


Next Page (Introduction To Keyword Formating Tools)