Introduction To Keyword Formatting Tools

There are several time saving tools that wraps keyword phrases in "quotation marks" (phrase match) and [square brackets] (exact match) for use in Google AdWords campaigns.
Use these tools in addition to TheDowser Mispelled Keywords to automatically generate variations on your keyword list.
Other useful features include append/prepend keywords, search and replace, duplicate removal and sorting.

Online tools

  • Tools that wrap keyword phrases in "quotation marks" (phrase match) and [square brackets] (exact match) for use in Google AdWords campaigns
  • Generate keyphrase variations
  • Advanced features

Website to consult:

















Creating Effective Google AdWords Ads

The Main Purpose Of An Ad Is To ATTRACT Targeted Visitors Attention And GENERATE Click-Throughs!!!
Remember TWO Key Principles:

1) Relevancy
2) Differentiation
















Here are several AdWords writing tips:

Ensure keywords are used in Title and Description, URL (as far as possible)
Ask a Question (e.g. Looking for Reliable Hosting?)
Invoke Curiosity
Challenge The Norm
Stand Out From The Competition
Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion: {KeyWord: Search Term}
Description 1
Highlight Major Benefit
Description 2
Highlight Major Feature and/or Price
Capitalize Beginning Of Each Word


Include scarcity and ‘call-to-action’ phrases:
Buy Now
Free Shipping
Limited stock
One Unit Left
Register Now
Today Only
Free Trial
Secure Now
Save $xxx
xx% Off!

Model other AdWords Ads
E.g. SitStayFetch ebook

















Creating Effective Google AdWords Ads






Split-Testing AdWords Ads

Split-Testing Ads
ALWAYS Create TWO Ads For Each AdGroup

Play “Beat-The-Control”








7 Ad Copy Elements To Split-Test

  1. Keywords in Title, Description, URL
  2. Dynamic Keyword Insertion in Title
  3. Capitalization of Title, Description, URL
  4. Test different headlines
  5. Reverse the order of copy elements
  6. Reverse the order of benefits and features
  7. Test different ‘call-to-action’ phrases

Free Online Split-Tester Tool













Next Page (Introduction To Competition Spying Tools)