In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to effectively use an autoresponder to build your mailing list of subscribers and use a landing page to promote ANY product.
By the end of this tutorial, you would have accomplished the following objectives:
1) Setup webhosting (with
2) Setup a landing page (using Nvu HTML software)
3) Setup an autoresponder sequence (with
4) Upload the landing page on your domain (using Filezilla FTP software)
To obtain your own 1ProfitSystem account AND a reseller hosting account, visit and sign-up for the SuperBundle.
Find out more about 1ProfitSystem here:
We guarantee will not find a more cost effective autoresponder, automation & reseller hosting system anywhere else on the internet!!!
Once you have mastered the above 4 steps, you can use these same techniques to promote ANY product you choose, using landing pages.
Before proceeding, be sure you have already purchased a domain name.
If you do not have a domain name, you can purchase one from GoDaddy: If you are using the domain name to promote Maple Commerce, we strongly suggest you purchase a domain name that contain the keyphrase "worldinternetacademy" or "wia" – e.g. or
Once you have secured your domain name, the next step is to change the Domain Name Server of your domain name to point it to your web host.
Refer to How To Register A Domain Name and Change Domain Name Server (DNS) tutorial for step-by-step details on how to purchase a domain name and change DNS.
Lastly, be sure you have purchased and activated your web hosting and autoresponder services.
For this tutorial, we will show you step-by-step how to setup your web hosting ( and autoresponder services ( and setup your landing page.
Maple Commerce Landing Page Setup and FTP Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to setup your WIA landing page and integrate it with your 1ProfitSystem autoresponder, and then upload your landing page via FTP to your web host.
Note: This tutorial shows you, step-by-step how to setup an web hosting account and 1ProfitSystem account. If you are using other 3rd party web hosting and autoresponder services, please refer to your web hosting and autoresponder user guides for more informaiton on how to setup the services. In any case, the steps detailed below are very similar to those of other services.
Optional Step: Login to your account on to retrieve your reseller domain’s FTP information. You do not need to do this step if you have already received the reseller hosting setup email with your domain’s UserID and password.

The next few steps are optional if you already have your FTP information for your domain. If you have your FTP information, you can skip forward to Step 1.
1. Login to
2. Click on "Client Area"
Enter your login details

1. Enter your email address and password, This is the password you entered when first signing up for reseller hosting account.
2. Click in "Login"
Access "My Hosting Packages"

1. Click on "My Hosting Packages"
View your reseller domain details

1. Click on "View Details"
Take note of the "Login Details" section. Your will need it later when using Filezilla FTP software to upload the WIA landing page to your domain.

Now we can start on the main tutorial.
To see a demo of what the finished landing page will look like, visit:
1. First, download the correct version of the landing page & autoresponder sequence from the link below:
Option #1: WIA Landing Page (English Version)
Option #2: WIA Landing Page (Bahasa Indonesia Version)
Select your Desktop and choose "Save"
1. Select Desktop
2. Click on "Save"
Using WinZip or any unzip program, extract the contents of the landing page zip file to your desktop.

Next, navigate to your desktop, and double-click to select the wia-landing-page folder.

To edit the landing page, right-click on "index.html", and choose "Open With" and then "Nvu".
Note: If you have not yet downloaded the FREE HTML editor software, Nvu, please do so now. (it’s FREE!):
1. Select nvu-1.0-win32-installer-full.exe if your computer is running on Windows
You will see the landing page opened for editing in Nvu. Insert your own name.

1. Replace [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] with your own name
Next, scroll to the bottom of the page, and double-click on "Internet Marketing". Replace the existing link with your own affiliate link.

1. Double-click on "Internet Marketing"
2. Replace the existing link with your own WIA affiliate link (e.g.
Next we will replace the existing autoresponder code with your own autoresponder.
Go to and click on "Member Login" on the top right of the web page.
Enter your email and password, and click on "Login"

Click on "Autoresponders", then on "Add new autoresponder"

Enter your autoresponder name, your Name and Email address.

Scroll to the bottom, and click on "Add new account".

1. Click on "Add new account"
You should see "Autoresponder successfully created". Next click on "Copy existing messages".

1. Note autoresponder creation success message
2. Click on "Copy existing messages"
Select your newly created autoresponder.

1. Select the autoresponder you just created.
Now enter the following code into the input box:

Then click on ‘Copy messages’.
You should get an "Autoresponder messages have been copied" message.
Next, select "Custom Variables" from the left menu.

1. Click on "Customer Variables"
Enter the two custom variables and their values. Then click on "Update Custom Variables"

1. Enter custom variable #1: %%WIA-AFF-LINK%%
Enter your WIA affiliate link under the value column (e.g.
Important: The URL you enter in the value column MUST be a FULL URL i.e. and NOT
Note: When inserting your WIA affiliate link, be sure not to leave any blank spaces at the beginning of the input box!
2. Enter custom variable #2: %%WIA-SIGNATURE%%
Enter your Fast and Last Name under the value column (e.g. Ivan Wong)
3. Click on "Update Custom Variables"
You should get a "Custom personalization variables successfully saved" message. Next, click on "View all autoresponders".

1. Click on "View all autoresponders"
Click on the "Form codes" icon for your autoresponder.

1. Click on the "Form codes" icon.
Scroll to the bottom and click on "Generate form".

1. Click on "Generate form"
Replace normal signup button with the ‘FREE INSTANT ACCESS’ button.

1. Click on the line just before "<input type="submit" value="
Hold down the left Shift button, and use the right-arrow key to select the sentence.

1. Select "<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">"
2. Press the delete button to delete the highlighted code
3. Keeping the cursor in the same position, type in or paste in the entire code below:
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#CC0000" style="border-collapse: collapse"><tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Free Instant Access!" style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold" /></td></tr></table>
Position your cursor in the form code box, and press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C to copy the code.

1. Position your cursor in the form code box, and press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C to copy the code.
Next switch back to the Nvu window, and click on the "Source" tab.
1. Click on the "Source" tab
Look for and highlight the sentence "[replace with formcode]".
Press Ctrl-V to replace this with your copied formcode.

1. Select "[replace with formcode]". Press Ctrl-V to replace this with your copied formcode.
Click on "Normal" tab

1. Click on "Normal" tab
You should be able to see your autoresponder signup box, and a nice "Free Instant Access!" button.

If your landing page does not look like the example above, repeat the detailed tutorial steps again until you are able to create the form view above.
The final step is to upload all your files up to your web hosting account via FTP.
Note: If you have not yet downloaded the FREE FTP software, FileZilla, please do so now. (it’s FREE!):
1. Select FileZilla_3.0.9.2_win32-setup.exe if your computer is running on Windows

1. Browser to your desktop and double-click on FileZilla.exe
Enter your domain in the Address field, then your User and Password (this can be viewed from the 1st step in this tutorial)

1. Enter domain (e.g.
2. Enter Hosting Username
3. Enter Hosting Password
4. Click on "Quickconnect"
Double-click on "public_html" in the right window

1. Browse to the right "Remote Site" window and double-click on "public_html" in order to browse into this folder.
In the left "Local Site" window, navigate to your desktop and click on the "wia-landing-page" folder. This folder should have been extracted here in the tutorial steps earlier.

Upload WIA landing page files to your domain webserver.

1. Select "images" and "index.html". Right-click and choose "Upload"
Once the upload is successful, the uploaded files will appear on the right.

Open up a new browser window, and type in the URL of your newly uploaded landing page.

1. Enter landing page URL
2. You should see your WIA landing page. Test the autoresponder you just created.
Congratulations, you have successfully setup your WIA landing page on your own domain!
Next Page (Automating Your Customer Support)