Online Profit Model #3 – Obtain Resale License To Other People’s Products (Resale Rights Marketing)

Resale rights marketing allows you to quickly and easily start an online business without having to create your own products. All you need to do to get started is to find a quality online product you want to resell. You will need to pay the resale license fee to obtain the rights to resell the product of course, but the good news is most resale license will allow to keep 100% of the sales you generate via the sale of the product.

Another major benefit of purchasing a resale rights product is it allows you to start and run your own affiliate program. So you can get other people to promote the product in exchange for an affiliate commission. The affiliate commission amount or percentage is determined by you – since you are the licensed product owner.

Many online marketers started building their online business through resale right marketing – so you should also consider this profit model when the right opportunity come by!

Here’s a summary of how it works:

A Resale Rights Product Example


Yanik Silver’s 6 Weeks Advanced Internet Course











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