Expert Teleseminar Series #1: Copywriting Interview With Jo Han Mok

Here are the highlights of the interview with Master Copywriter Jo Han Mok.

Many beginning Internet Marketers overlook the importance of copy, or text on your webpage.

In this teleseminar, Jo Han talks about his beginnings as a graduate music student in Berkeley, where in a room so small he couldn’t "swing a cat in", he discovered the sheer power of copywriting and built up his copywriting skills to become the world class copywriter he is today.  He then goes on to reveal top copywriting secrets that fueled the success of his copywriting career.

Key "Takeaway" Points (Do listen to the full teleseminar as it contains much more information)

  • There are a lot of products which are undersold because of weak copy.
  • Any person can come up with a idea or product, but it is not easy to sell the product.  Just because you have a product that you think people want a need.  You have to articulate the benefits of your products, otherwise you will not sell anything and build a business.
  • Where possible, make good use of new media like audio and video in your selling process.
  • Your salesletter is salesmanship in print, and should simulate the sales process between you and your personal customer.  Think "I to you", not "We to the masses".  Just imagine you are writing to an individual.
  • Learn to write the way you talk.  We have been trained from young to write in a more formal or reporting style.  You may violate some traditional rules of english, but the priority is for you is to write how you talk.
  • When you read copy, you should be mouthing the words to yourself.  This mean you should hear a voice when you are reading good copy, that gets into your head, and pulls you into buying the product being sold.
  • If you have friends, chat with your friends on msn.  After that, examine your chat transcripts.  The way you chat informally with your friends is the way you would talk.  These are the magic words that you should use in your own copy.
  • Keep your copy simple. Even Homer Simpson, with a short attention span and who doesn’t understand big words should be able to understand your copy.
  • The importance of emphathy in your copy.  Use phrases like "Have you ever been…".  "I’ve been there and understand your situation."
  • You have to establish rappart.
  • The four magic questions to answer to write good copy:
    • Who are you.
    • Why should I listen to you.
    • Why should I believe you.
    • Why should I act on what you say.
  • When you make a sales presentation to a prospect, there will always be a lot of objections.  You should pre-empt objections to your copy right from the start.
  • Take yourself out your marketer’s shoes, and put yourself into the shoes of your prospect. Think about all reasons they might not want to buy your product.  When you write your copy, structure it so that it addresses all the objections of your prospect.  Make the prospect think you are totally in sync with him/her.
  • Think of reasons that people might not want to buy from you, and use the phrase "I know what your’re thinking – <Insert the actual objection here>." e.g. I know what you are thinking, "Jo Han, this is way too expensive".
  • Jo Hans Observations from Re-Engineering, Observation & Testing of good copy:
    • On the web, there is another big factor to the success of your copy. The look and structure of your copy is paramount to your success.
    • Headline – Tahoma or Impact (Sans Serif) fonts without curl
    • Body copy – Verdana, Arial, Georgia or Courier size 10/12
    • Use a centered table, set at 75% width.
    • Use short sentences. First sentence should not exceed 5 words – e.g. "I was shocked".
    • Cater to a double readership path.  People who read every word on your copy, or people with short attention spans who skip and glance through the salesletter.  For these people, they should be able to glance through the headline, subheadlines and bullet points to get a firm hold of what the copy is about.
    • Use bolding as "embedded commands" – e.g "Buy Now", "Enter Your Email/Name", "Read On", "Continue Reading", "Scroll On" etc.
    • Use italics on "trancelike" words – e.g. "Imagine", "Picture", "Realize"
    • Use underlining intuitively
    • Use yellow highlighting
    • Use dark backgrounds, preferably black
    • Use a script to turn the scrollbar red, which will improve conversions
  • Become "obsessed" with copywriting.  "With profits come passion".
  • Learn from the greats:
    • Dan Kennedy
    • Ted Nicolas
    • Clayton Makepeace
    • John Carlton
    • Yanik Silver
  • Some final tips to boost your copywriting success:
    • Locate good salesletters and write them out by hand
    • Assemble a good swipefile. Go to and review the good salesletters (saleletters that would compel you to buy)
    • For the more serious, categorize the swipefile into the various copywriting components of headlines, sub-heads, etc
    • Look for the emotional essence of what your are swiping. e.g. "They laughed when I sat down at the piano to play. But once the music started to flow…"
      The emotions expressed are of humiliation -> triumph
      So localize the emotions using your own words.
    • Go to various salesletters that are selling the same product. "Steal" the best elements from different salesletters, and like a seamstress "stich" it together into a new salesletter.
    • Master neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotization.
    • Master the dating and seduction niche, as a lot of the patterns they use to hypnotize people are based on established research.
    • Use this model to creat copy:
      • Problem, agitate, solve

    The last tip: go to to access all of Jo Han’s copywriting swipefiles, nicely categorized.

    Once again, to learn more, visit