QOTW: How Do I Setup An Autoresponder For My Business?

I recently have just created a webpage on fishing using the 40 reseller bonus given by fabian during the 19th bootcamp. and I want to add a opt in form into my webpage so that when people purchase my ebook they would also get free information on fishing.

So my question is how do go about setting up the same opt in form like the one I did during the bootcamp for the wia landing page. i understand that i need to add a new autoreponder to my 1profit system account but what are the custom variables that I need to add in. This is what that puzzles me.

So I would appreciate if you could help me on this. Thanks very much.

If you are uncertain how autoresponders can be used to automate lead capture and customer follow-up for your business, first see this overview.

In general, create two new autoresponders for each website your own. Call one of the "leads", and use this to follow-up with your prospective customers. Call the other autoresponder "customers", and use that to follow-up with your actual customers.

A lead is a prospective customer who visits your website, and decides to find out more about your product or service by signing up for your autoresponder.  You should set up a new autoresponder for each different group of leads you are capturing. Most autoresponder systems (including 1ProfitSystem) allow you to create unlimited autoresponders to capture all your lead and customer information.

The basic steps to setup and deploy your autoresponder are the same whether you are using it for lead capture or customer follow-up. What differs is the messages you setup for each auto-responder.

For IMB graduates, the steps are the same when creating a new autoresponder, except for how you create your messages.  In your WIATools tutorial, we gave you steps to copy over existing messages into your new autoresponder to save you time. 

When creating your own new autoresponders, you will have to create new messages from scratch, instead of copying them from an existing template.

The high-level steps for you to create a new autoresponder using 1ProfitSystem are:

1. Login to 1ProfitSystem.com

2. Create your new autoresponder

3. Create you new message(s) for follow-up with your subscribers (or customers, depending on what kind of autoresponder you are setting up)

4. Generate your autoresponder formcode

5. Insert this formcode on whatever webpages you are using to collect leads

Drive traffic to your new opt-in pages, and start collecting leads.

Finally, using 1ProfitSystem as an example, you can learn step-by-step how to setup your own autoresponder using this tutorial.


Ivan Wong