WIA Webinar: Twitter for Internet Marketers

Have you heard of Twitter? No, it’s not Tweety Bird’s cousin! Twitter is one of the fastest growing social media service today.
And as an internet marketer there are many ways you can use this channel to grow your network and reach out to your target audience.
I’ve spent the last 1 1/2 weeks studying effective Twitter tools, techniques and strategies. As a result, I’ now have over 1,000 Twitter followers.
At the current rate of following, I’ll WILL hit the 10,000 Twitter follower mark in about 15 weeks or so.
Here’s the best part…. practically all my followers don’t even who I am!
(I’m just a stranger to them, not a well-known internet marketer :p)
So if I can do it, you have NO excuse!
Here’s what I’ll cover during this webinar:
– Twitter basics and concepts
– How to create a respectable Twitter image
– Essential Twitter tools and resources
– How to grow your Twitter following ethically
– Twitter strategies for internet marketers
– Question & Answer
If you don’t have a Twitter account, I suggest you register one now: http://www.twitter.com
And if you wish to follow me on twitter, simply click ‘Follow’ on my twitter profile: http://www.twitter.com/fabianlim
Title: “WIA Webinar – Tweeter Strategies For Internet Marketers”
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM SGT
Register now by clicking the link below:
But be sure to register early to avoid disappointment as we only have 200 lines available.