12 useful tips for optimising mobile landing pages

12 useful tips for optimising mobile landing pages:

Optimising desktop landing pages is a tricky business, as you need to make sure all the most alluring content is visible along with a clear call-to-action.

These problems are obviously magnified on a smartphone screen as you’ve got to cram everything into a space just two inches by three inches.

The perennial issue of capturing smartphone conversions is one we’ve addressed before in posts looking at mobile checkouts and best practice for mobile CTAs.

And optimising landing pages is a big part of increasing conversions, as mobile users tend to be impatient so they need to be able to access the relevant content within a few clicks.

And with that in mind, here are 12 things to remember when optimising a mobile landing page.

Obviously the precise layout of a mobile page depends on the visitor behaviour you want to encourage and should come as a result of user testing, but these are all important points you should consider…

Don’t make people pinch and zoom

If you’ve designed your mobile site correctly this shouldn’t be an issue, but it’s always worth noting that users aren’t interested in pinching and zooming to bring your content into focus.

Not only is it a poor user experience, but it also means your content and calls-to-action will be at the mercy of the user.

It’s best to just make sure your site fits the screen correctly in the first place.

Test it on both landscape and portrait views

When browsing the mobile web it’s common for users to read sites in both portrait and landscape view. Make sure your site is compatible with tilted screens so that it delivers a consistent user experience.

Make sure fonts stand out

You need to bear in mind that what appears obvious to you might not jump out at the average mobile user. Space is tight, so make sure the font and background colours contrast one another so it doesn’t all blur into one.

This is even more important for CTAs, which need to be visually appealing and attract the user’s attention. 

Keep your CTA above the fold

Though some get sniffy at mentions of keeping things ‘above the fold’, as an ex-newspaper hack I’m a fan of the phrase.

In mobile terms, it generally means keeping the important content within the top 100 pixels. So if you’ve got a CTA on your landing page, make sure it’s near the top otherwise you risk dampening the impact and potentially losing the conversion.

(Read the rest at Digital Marketing Blog | Econsultancy)

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